| - The Stone Fleet consisted of a fleet of aging ships (mostly whaleships) purchased in New Bedford and other New England ports, loaded with stone, and sailed south during the American Civil War by the Union Navy for use as blockships. They were to be deliberately sunk at the entrance of Charleston Harbor, South Carolina in the hope of obstructing blockade runners, then supplying Confederate interests. Although some sank along the way and others were sunk near Tybee Island, Georgia, to serve as breakwaters, wharves for the landing of Union troops, the majority were divided into two lesser fleets. One fleet was sunk to block the south channel off Morris Island, and the other to block the north channel near Rattlesnake Shoals off the present day Isle of Palms in what proved to be failed efforts (en)
- La Stone Fleet (inglese: "Flotta di pietra") venne usata durante la guerra di secessione americana dall'Union Navy. Diverse vecchie navi, specificatamente acquistate per questo scopo vennero caricate con pietra e sabbia o riempite con rifiuti e quindi trainate fino ad un punto designato per essere affondate come rischio per la navigazione per tutte le imbarcazioni che fossero transitate per quel luogo. Ventiquattro baleniere furono affondate nel porto di Charleston dal capitano , a partire dal 19 dicembre 1861. Una seconda flotta di circa 12 - 20 vascelli venne affondata nel nel 1862. (it)
- USS Leonidas był w służbie na Pacyfiku w 1849, dowodzony przez komandora Swift z New Bedford. W latach 1850-1854 częściowo należał i był dowodzony przez Benjamina Smitha Clarka, Jr. Zakupiony 27 października 1861 przez US Navy w New Bedford za kwotę 3050 dolarów do użycia w ramach . Został wypełniony kamieniami i wypłynął z New Bedford pod dowództwem Mastera Johna Howlanda 20 listopada 1861. Dokładnie miesiąc później został rozmyślnie zatopiony, wraz z 15 innymi jednostkami, w zakończonej niepowodzeniem próbie powstrzymania łamaczy blokady od używania głównego kanału prowadzącego do portu Charleston w odległości czterech mil na południe-południowy wschód (ang. south-southeast) od Fordu Sumter i trzy mile na wschód-południowy wschód (ang. east-southeast) od latarni na Morris Island w Karoli (pl)