| - Pertempuran Tianshui adalah pertempuran antara Shu Han dan Cao Wei pada musim semi tahun 228 selama Zaman Tiga Negara di Cina sebagai bagian dari Ekspedisi Utara Zhuge Liang. Shu Han berhasil memenangkan pertempuran ini. (in)
- The Tianshui revolts refer to the rebellions that broke out in the southern part of Liang Province (covering parts of present-day Gansu and Shaanxi) in the spring of 228 during the Three Kingdoms period of China. Military forces from the state of Shu Han, led by their chancellor-regent Zhuge Liang, planned to seize control of Chang'an, a strategic city in Shu's rival state, Cao Wei. The three commanderies of Nan'an, Tianshui, and Anding were captured by Shu forces, but these territorial gains were later lost after the Battle of Jieting. As mentioned in the biography of the Wei general Zhang He: "The commanderies of Nan'an, Tianshui and Anding rebelled and defected to (Zhuge) Liang, (Zhang) He pacified all of them." (en)
- La Révolte de Tianshui est une offensive militaire, doublée d'une rébellion qui eut lieu durant la période des Trois Royaumes, au printemps 228. Zhuge Liang, Premier ministre du royaume de Shu, leva une armée pour prendre le contrôle de la ville de Chang'an, une position stratégique du royaume de Wei dans le Guanzhong. Les trois districts de Nan'an, Tianshui et Anding furent conquis par les troupes du Shu, avant d’être repris par le Wei après la bataille de Jieting. Comme l'indique la biographie de Zhang He, un général du Wei : « Les districts de Nan'an, Tianshui et Anding se rebellèrent et firent défection au profit de (Zhuge) Liang, (Zhang) He les pacifia toutes les trois. ». (fr)
- 천수의 난(天水之亂)은 삼국시대 와중인 228년 봄 중국 북서부에서 일어난 반란이다. 촉한 승상 제갈량은 위나라의 요충지이자 대도시인 장안성을 공격하려 했고, 그 전초전으로 서량 지방의 3개 군인 남안, 안정, 천수를 취하려 했다. 촉한의 공작에 따라 3개 군의 호족들은 촉에 투항하였고, 이때 투항한 사람들 중에 강유도 있었다. 가정 전투에서 촉군이 패배함에 따라 서량 지방은 다시 위나라의 영토로 귀속되고, 천수의 난도 진압되었다. (ko)
- 天水之戰是三国时期,於228年春季在中国西北地区所爆发的戰役。蜀汉军队在丞相诸葛亮率领下北伐,计划夺取敌国曹魏的战略城市长安。漢军一度取得南安、天水及安定三郡,但不久因街亭之战挫敗了此次北伐后失去;正如《三国志》中魏将张郃的传记所言,南安、天水、安定郡叛亂投靠诸葛亮,张郃将他们全部平定。 (zh)