| - Antoine de Chabannes (* 1408 in Saint-Exupéry-les-Roches; † 25. Dezember 1488 in Paris) war ein französischer Militär im Dienst der Könige Karl VII., Ludwig XI. und Karl VIII. Er war Graf von Dammartin aus dem Recht seiner Ehefrau. (de)
- Antoon van Chabannes (Saint-Exupéry-les-Roches, 1408 - Parijs, 25 december 1488) was van 1439 tot aan zijn dood graaf van Dammartin. Hij behoorde tot het huis Chabannes. (nl)
- Антуа́н де Шаба́нн (фр. Antoine de Chabannes; 1408 год, Сент-Экзюпери-ле-Рош — 25 декабря 1488 года, Париж) — граф де Даммартен с 1439 года, французский полководец, младший брат коннетабля Жака де Шабанна (фр. Jacques Ier de Chabannes de La Palice, ум. 1453). (ru)
- Antoine de Chabannes (1408-1488), from 1439 Count of Dammartin (with a gap in 1463-1465), was a significant military and political figure of 15th-century France. An indefatigable fighter, during his long career he joined or led numerous military campaigns all over France and beyond. He served the French Valois kings Charles VII, Louis XI and Charles VIII, but also participated in two aristocratic uprisings, the Praguerie against Charles VII in 1440 and the War of the Public Weal in 1465 against Louis XI. Associated early in his life with the Armagnac faction, he fought in Charles VII's campaigns against England, including those involving Joan of Arc, and (except for a troubled period in the early 1460s) also remained generally opposed to the Burgundians and their Habsburg successors. 18th- (en)
- Antoine de Chabannes, comte de Dammartin, né en 1408 à Saint-Exupéry-les-Roches et mort le 25 décembre 1488 à Paris, est un militaire français ayant servi sous les règnes de Charles VII, Louis XI et Charles VIII. (fr)